Let’s recap our very first (and technically second) workshop of 2021!
Jack from Let’s Torque introducing Workshop 1.
On a chilly April evening, we were lucky enough to host Workshop 1 and take shelter within the cosy function room at the Royal Society of Victoria (RSV).
We had the wonderful, singing scientist Catriona Nguyen-Robertson as our guest speaker. The PhD candidate and lecturer at The University of Melbourne is known for outreaching STEM online towards fresh, non-traditional audiences through her catchy scientific earworms.
It was inspiring to hear Catriona share her own passion, visions and some first-hand experiences as an avid science communicator!
Workshop 1 focused on exploring and appreciating the importance of science communication. As well as how to tailor complex scientific concepts towards varying audiences.
Interestingly, as science progresses into more specialised and complex forms, a study finds that research papers are becoming more difficult to read. This is problematic as it can catapult the general public away from trusting and engaging with STEM.
Miscommunication or a lack of understanding of science can erupt confusion and conflict within society and politics. This can be seen in the varying responses to COVID-19 globally.
Catriona Nguyen-Robertson (on right) helping some workshop attendees reinvent lengthy scientific abstracts and press releases into captivating headlines.
Caitlin from Let’s Torque introducing Workshop 1.
Royal Society of Victoria (RSV)
Contradictorily, while scientific papers with amusing titles are more likely to attract everyday audiences, readers find these papers to be less credible.
Attendees were tasked to solve this conundrum. Each group was missioned to create both informative and compelling headlines from a set of abstracts and press releases.
While it was tricky enough to translate the strings of jargon and convoluted concepts into a snappy sentence, the twist was that each group had a unique target audience. They ranged from extraterrestrial life to Medieval peasants to modern day toddlers.
This lead to some very creative and entertaining answers…
Thanks again to Catriona for spending her Wednesday evening with us! Thanks to RSV for the lovely venue!
To meet both the flattering popularity of the workshop and gathering limits, the team swiftly adapted our ONE 90-minute workshop into TWO back-to-back sessions. Despite the all the chaos and coordination, it was rewarding to see it all through! Thanks to all the Let’s Torque team members for their efforts behind the scenes and in front of the scenes!
Finally of course, thank-you to everyone who attended!!
The Let's Torque Team (from left: Eloï, Mitchell, Matthew, Jack, Caitlin) with Catriona Nguyen-Robertson
We’re excited to launch our official second workshop in the lead up to our STEM public-speaking competition! Just a reminder to submit your Talking Points before the June 30 deadline.
Workshop 2: Science Speaks Louder than Words will deep dive into the overlooked non-verbal aspects of science communication. Come along to learn how you can enhance your communication skills and engagement with your audience. We’ll explore the design psychology behind successful visuals and how to employ effective physical communication such as through body language, stance and posture.